Category: 2013 Spain

Sardinian Visitor

Because of the last week of heavy rains, the Jalón river had been more of  a raging torrent. When we took Scamp for a wander around the town. we came across an interesting variation on the idea of car parking.

Posted in 2013 Spain

Yesterday, Part Two

It seems that yesterday afternoon’s spell of sunshine and temperatures approaching acceptable were a flash in the pan. Today we had flashes of different nature, those that accompany heavy downpours and precede claps of thunder, which el perrito definitely did

Posted in 2013 Spain

Things with Wings

Monday dawned with more solid grey but the rain was mercifully missing. Yesterday’s rain was still around, though, covering the garden plants in raindrops. Since it was actually dry outside and raindrops were my only interesting subject, I experimented with

Posted in 2013 Spain

Home Alone

On previous dog-and-house-sitting visits to Jalón, we’ve travelled close to the dates when Chris and Yvonne left and returned. We were a little like ships that passed in the night. This time we flew in earlier to give us four

Posted in 2013 Spain

Dia del Romero

When the near constant rain stopped later yesterday afternoon and we wandered down to Jalón town square for a beer or two in the scarce sunshine, we watched a small stage being set up. The waitress delivering our beers explained

Posted in 2013 Spain

Restoring Sanity

Today began pretty much as yesterday left off, with grey skies and monotonous rain. Oh joy, this was not why we flew to Spain. Just to add insult to injury, we learned that temperatures at home yesterday had exceeded 20°C

Posted in 2013 Spain

Retorno a Escocia

[Scotland Revisited.] Last September, Francine and I spent a desperately wet, windy and dismal two weeks in Scotland. Eight of those days were on the shores of a sea loch at Bunree on Scotland’s west coast. We were told we

Posted in 2013 Spain


Given the atrocious spring in the UK thus far this year, we’ve been looking forward to today with eager anticipation for some time. Today, we were flying to Alicante, Spain, once again to look after our favourite perrito [little dog]

Posted in 2013 Spain