Home Alone

On previous dog-and-house-sitting visits to Jalón, we’ve travelled close to the dates when Chris and Yvonne left and returned. We were a little like ships that passed in the night. This time we flew in earlier to give us four days to do a few things together before they departed leaving us in charge. Unfortunately, the meteorological gods have caused it to rain pretty much the whole time we’ve been here so we’ve actually been able to do very little.

Today was no different. Well, in truth, it was a little different in that it was the worst day so far. We awoke to the now familiar sound of rain, the same solid clouds more or less on the deck and a very un-Spanish feeling 7°C/45°F. I spent a cold, wet morning with Chris learning how to clear the swimming pool of dirt deposited by all the rain, then backwash the pool’s filter before dumping the excess water – the pool was now overflowing – so that the pool filter could once again do its job effectively.

This afternoon Chris and Yvonne were flying back to the UK so we were scheduled for the Valencia airport run. Following an excellent brunch of morcilla [Spanish black pudding/blood sausage] and baby broad beans, we braved the continuing cold rain to load the car with suitcases – this always upsets Scamp, el perrito, who is smart enough to know something’s afoot – and headed for Valencia airport.

It is 150kms/90mls to Valencia airport from Jalón. The car was buffeted by gusty winds and the windscreen wipers were going all the way. Driving past the coastal hills is usually an attractive journey but not today, the coastal hills being obscured by low clouds in multiple shades grey. We drove past water-sodden vineyards and orange orchards. The countryside resembled the winter scenes of England rather than spring in Spain, except for the oranges, of course. 🙂

Guided by Chris, we negotiated the poorly signed, tortuous approach to Valencia airport and delivered our passengers in good time for their Ryan Air [spit, spit] flight to Bristol. The windscreen wipers ticked off our return journey to Jalón through the continuing rain. The day’s temperature had topped out at a blistering 9°C/48°F. Unbelievable!

We’re home alone. El perrito greeted us and sat with us but kept a constant eye on the road and driveway beyond the glazed door, watching for his owners to return. He was not settled, poor little fellow.

I snagged a swift satellite shot of the weather system that’s been disturbing the Mediterranean. It shouldn’t be here. Let’s hope it goes away very soon.


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Posted in 2013 Spain

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