Swapping Windows

I’m delighted to say that we seemed to have been glitch free today.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOur brave Men were out this morning in torrential rain mixing up mortar and bricking up our old side kitchen window on the outside, having done the inside block work yesterday. They very cleverly rigged up a tarpaulin supported by timbers propped on our fence under which to work. The resulting filled in bit of wall looks pretty good and, as the mortar dries out and lightens, it should look even better eventually.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMost of the bricks used to “lose” the old side kitchen window were reclaimed from the dining area part of our project. The Boss, a.k.a. Francine, wanted a deeper dining area window so that, as we sat at a dining table, we would be able to see down into the garden, being on something of a slope. Four courses of bricks were removed and a new, deeper window fitted. We’re very pleased with that, too. (A French door would’ve been pointless since our floor level is fully a metre above the patio level.)

Our friendly plumber came around, too, to make notes on what radiators we wanted. Francine, being firmly in spend mode, also re-planned the downstairs cloakroom: new radiator, new loo, new basin and taps.

What the hell?

Posted in 2020 Covid-19 Knockdown

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