It had been a cold, frosty night but a day of good weather was in prospect, if the forecasters were to be believed. Certainly the morning had dawned cold and clear and we set off on foot to a place…
It had been a cold, frosty night but a day of good weather was in prospect, if the forecasters were to be believed. Certainly the morning had dawned cold and clear and we set off on foot to a place…
The use of McWiFi to keep in touch with the world at large whilst travelling is all very well but is sometimes less than convenient; one doesn’t always stay within easy reach of a McDonalds. We should be thankful that…
Our last full day in The New Forest and, as forecast, it was dry. It was even quite sunny and I was determined to try and fulfill an outstanding quest: a picture of a Golden-ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii). Ever hopeful,…
What is it with weather forecasting in this country? Is it that difficult? Clearly it must be because the standard down here in The New Forest has been relatively poor. The inaccuracy, it must be said, has sometimes been to…
Francine has a relative living nearby. She had arranged that we visit her at about 2:30 this afternoon. Before then, though, we were free to use a sunny morning for some fun and games. The nice thing about a wildlife…
Quite why bad weather forecasts are generally more accurate than good weather forecasts, I don’t know. They are, though. As predicted, today dawned rainy and solidly overcast. We tromped off to Christchurch in search of a McDonalds McWiFi. Could we…
I have an entry-level Garmin eTrex GPS device (no mapping involved) for walking. By default, it notes positions, waypoints, etc. in degrees of latitude and longitude. As long as one is connected to the ever more indispensible Internet, this is…
There are dragonflies called Snaketails or, rather, there are dragonflies named Snaketails by our American cousins. In the British English world, the Green Snaketail (Amerispeak) is the Green Clubtail (Britspeak). Naturally, the French-speaking world and the German-speaking world have other…
For those of us who might be seasonal Odonata freaks and who just happened to be planning a trip to The New Forest, Francine stumbled across a useful little Web site descriptively entitled New Forest Dragonflies. This Web site is…
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