Great Timing Again


Our part of France had some much needed rain overnight. We heard that it amounted to about 1cm so not exactly a deluge but the farmers may be a little happier. It led to a day scant on interest, though.

The evening did provide some entertainment in a frustrating sort of way. ‘T is Wednesday again so another photographic club night was in the offing. As with last week, we planned to Zoom in using the campsite wi-fi, this time not as a test but to take part in an evening discussing the use of long exposures with a visiting professional.

Before 20:30 when proceedings were supposed to begin (19:30 UK time), rumbles of thunder were beginning to be heard in the distance. Somewhat predictably, the storm moved inexorably closer such that, by the time we were connected, thunder claps were close and rain thrashed on Guillaume’s roof. Being inside a caravan in thrashing rain is a noisy affair. A shared pair of earbuds, in one ear each, meant that we could hear the UK end but it was again necessary to mute our end. Last week we’d had our microphone usurped by the clattering racket of a combine harvester chopping sunflowers, this week we had an electric storm raging overhead causing similar disruption.

It just had to happen.

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Posted in 2022-09 France

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