Decision time: we are on a pitch that has been booked by others beginning on Sunday so we have to move. The question was whether to move pitches and stay here or to try somewhere new. To cut a long and very indecisive story short, we decided to move to a new pitch here.
Enter, once again, our old friends the tree frogs. We are basically surrounded by hundreds of tiny, perfectly formed bundles of cuteness. As we began preparing to move – disconnecting cables, water supplies, etc. – it became quite startling where the little fellows chose to sit. In the following collection of pictures, which should mainly speak for themselves, the orange thing is our electricity cable reel. Also featured are the caravan corner steadies, wheels (dangerous) and wheel chocks, a portable Weber barbecue (particularly dangerous) and, the pièce de résistance and my personal favourite, a watering can spout.
No frogs were hurt in the making of this blog entry (we think).
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