Category: 2021-05 Norfolk

Last Full Day

Just to complete the saga, our last day was a bit mixed with a fairly stiff breeze but occasional spells of sunshine (plus a rain shower). We met with a friend who used to belong to our photographic club, who

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Relative Bliss

After an absolutely awful day of wind and lashing rain that kept us firmly ensconced in our caravan, today’s forecast suggested 20°C accompanied by a good amount of sunshine. Well, after a pathetic spring like this, we’d take anything we

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Meteorological Monotony

A transcription of the Met Office app. 08:00 Heavy rain 09:00 Heavy rain 10:00 Heavy rain 11:00 Heavy rain 12:00 Heavy rain 13:00 Heavy rain 14:00 Heavy rain 15:00 Heavy rain 16:00 Light rain 17:00 Overcast 18:00 Heavy overcast 19:00

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Coastal Effects

Wha’d’ya know, a bright morning, though cold, of course. I’m losing count of the times I’ve wandered along the river with the big lens hoping for a second chance at one of the resident Marsh Harriers (we’ve seen at least

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Worse Than Expected

Spring? Today’s forecast was initially not too bad considering the track record but it worsened considerably overnight. We had been looking forward to something dry. We are now offered more or less constant rain with a high of … wait

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Better Than Expected

For the first time in what must be two years, we began the day in an early bright spell by mounting our bukes and cycling to my favourite butchers shop up the road in Ludham. There’s a pleasantly quiet back

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Still Up

As advertised, overnight we were pummelled by gusting 45mph winds and lashed by the horizontal rain that they carried. Our new air awning is still up and seems to have survived. I have had to engineer a solution to stop

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Testing Technology

… and you may read that how you like. 😀 We’ve been caravanning for 35 years, or thereabouts. The Caravan Club even sent us a fancy sticker proclaiming “30 Years Membership” to slap in Guillaume’s window. This, of course, makes

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Wrong Lens

The brightest part of today was forecast to be early morning, so we had just one cup of coffee to wake up, partially at least, before wandering down the road to Ludham Bridge for a saunter along the River Ant.

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk

Straining the Memory

Pinch and a punch, the first of the month. White rabbits, and other nonsensical phrases. We didn’t get to use Guillaume last year. I did have to tow him up to the midlands for his first annual service but that

Posted in 2021-05 Norfolk