Yucca Transportation

Francine has been wondering how to give our balcony a little lift, apart from its being adorned by Odonata examples of Octodoptera murdochii  and Gomphus oxfordiensis, that is. Our friend Jim, the discoverer of O. murdochii and who lives a couple of roads below us, declared that he had a potted yucca that was surplus to his requirements and that could do with another home. We popped down to have a look and see if it would appeal to Francine. Yes, it fitted Francine’s bill, nicely.

2015-03-30 13.43.06Apart from the difficulties carrying the not inconsiderable weight, what it did not fit nicely was our car. As you can see it is somewhat too tall to fit. Laying it horizontal wasn’t a great option ‘cos the pot was topped up with loose stones which would’ve ended up all over the boot of the car.

2015-03-30 13.43.36Eventually Jim, our yucca donor, suggested that he might be able to ride beside the beast in the back of the car, holding the door closed against it using a handy-dandy piece of rope which I carry for just such occasions. Jim looks quite comfortable, really.

Avoiding the need for a 3-point turn on the slope of the relatively narrow road, I decided to reverse back up the hill, which gets quite steep at one point, as is the style on Spanish mountainsides. Tis was fine ‘cos it meant that the weight of yucca was leaning into the car. Now, however, I had to drive forwards up an even steeper hill to get to our parking area behind Casa. Jim coped admirably and managed both to kreep the door shut against yucca and not fall out himself. Well done Jim!

2015-03-30 18.36.24Yucca was safely, if not legally transported and is now in situ in its new home. It’s had a haircut, too, to tidy it up.

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One comment on “Yucca Transportation
  1. BlasR says:

    Good tales of yucca and sofa transport!!

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