
We arrived sur le continent  on 24th May. It is now 1st June and it has rained every day that we’ve been here. I was very lucky in the Netherlands in that it didn’t rain where Antonio and I were looking for dragonflies but it did rain at Jelly’s Hoeve in Havelte. Much of the rain there was overnight.

Today in Troyes, it looked as though we were going to get our first dry day but not so; it began mizzling shortly after we returned from exploring the town. At least it had the decency to wait until we returned from town rather than wetting us while we were in town.

There is an Aldi literally just outside our aire de camping car. We shopped there when we arrived but it is seriously limited.  This morning, to get the remaining shopping that we needed, we decided to wander the extra kilometre or thereabouts to a Lidl further into town. It was much larger and much better. We returned with our rucksacks packed with goodies.

Following that, we wandered back into town, passing Lidl and continuing into the old town of Troyes.

20240601_115340_082913Troyes is not short of large churches. We saw one and wondered if it was the cathedral only to see, not so far away, a huge edifice that WAS clearly the cathedral. In we went. There were some interesting lighting arrangements lending themselves, I thought, to worthwhile snaps. These are just on the phone camera so don’t expect anything that great.


20240601_132347_082940Troyes is an old town with a host of timbered, colourful buildings, many of which are now at rakish angles. Capturing them in the confined space, even with the wide angle of a crappy phone camera, is a challenge. Here’s an attempt.

We found a quiet bar (apart from the fact that the TV inside was showing a program featuring Jeremy Clarkson) and I ordered a couple of Leffe beers to refresh our weary feet.

Then we decided to return to Frodo for a lunch of bread and rilletes rinsed down with a couple of glasses of wine, of course.

Then it decided to rain – again.

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Posted in 2024 Summer