Quelle Surprise …

… another morning and afternoon, the great majority of which was spent listening to and watching the rain come down from within Guillaume. Thank Darwin for books of Sudoku puzzles. A second surprise is that I’ve been getting into Killer Sudoku, of late. I don’t normally like it when a perfectly good design gets bent into all sorts of derivatives. In this case, though, I quite enjoy the chance to use some different logic.  But I digress – back on track.

Friend Keith spent his first full and wet day in much the same fashion as did we,  he drove around in the murk scouting locations.

The main surprise occurred in the early evening when the rain ceased. A few patches of blue even drifted past. Our merry band of three grabbed the opportunity to head for one of the nearer iconic photographic locations, Ashness Bridge, approached by a steep-ish, narrow-ish road just south of Keswick and east of Derwent Water. We tried shooting the charming stone bridge first from downstream, which makes the sky encroach, then from upstream, which I’d say is the better composition, especially as a naff sky can be more readily cut out. A bit of sun would certainly improve the bracken and grass, though. 😉

_MG_3139 Ashness BridgeJ14_0240 Ashness Bridge

Beyond Ashness Bridge, the road continues in an even narrower fashion to climb further up to the tiny hamlet of Watendlath, the hamlet consisting essentially of one farm and one tarn. The area is now National Trust, Darwin bless them. They need blessing ‘cos in these parts, NT car parks are the only places where members don’t get ripped off for parking. Just after we arrived, the sun briefly bathed one of the hillsides overlooking the tarn in golden evening light.

J14_0258 Watendlath

Naturally, with a tarn about 1000ft/300m up in the English mountains, there is a stream flowing out of it which rapidly turns into a tumbling torrent descending the valley up which we had driven.


Dinner was a slightly rushed affair ‘cos we didn’t get back to Guillaume until 8:00 PM. At least the evening provided some relief from an otherwise dismal day.

Posted in 2014 The Lakes

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