More Cold Grey

We stretched our legs again with a ride into Brockenhurst for a few necessary chores, then cycled back the long way staying on the roads. Francine’s bike’s front forks have decided to play up – the suspension keeps bottoming even with her light weight aboard. I’ve tried tightening the damper adjustment which does seem to help but them it doesn’t provide very much shock-absorption. If new front forks are necessary, it may be as well to get a whole new bike. Yikes!

The day was dry but solid grey and darned cold, struggling up to a mere 11-12C. We drove off to Puttles Bridge which could provide some potentially picturesque forest stream scenery for Francine but also has a flush Odo habitat for me. Given the temperature, I honestly didn’t expect to see anything and nothing was exactly what I did see. Another good reason for seeing nothing might be that the flush-loving species aren’t out yet. 😀

I went to change lenses and join Francine trying different line-ups on tree roots and the forest stream. Though the place is a tourist hotspot and looks pleasant enough, we were both having trouble finding any setup that we really liked. We did both grab a few, though. As expected, Francine’s proved more interesting:

Roots and the Ober WaterPuttles Bridge itself

J14_0539 Ober WaterJust for amusement, I tried a few sets of bracketed exposures to try smashing together an HDR [spit, spit]. Canon’s DPP software will combine three such shots automatically. frankly, I preferred this single shot, one of the set of three, to the HDR result. To be fair, though, it must be said that I don’t really know what I’m doing. 😉


Posted in 2014 New Forest

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