Fit for Purpose?

Back in the UK our bed is what we Brits amusingly call a king-size, 5’ wide by 6’ 6” long. Acting on advice, we bought English bedding with us including fitted bottom sheets for a UK king-size bed. Having got here and started buying our beds in Spain, we discovered that the mattresses do not share our exact sizes. The net result, after buying a 150cms by 190cms beds, is that out fitted bottom sheets do not actually fit, they are about an inch too wide and about three inches too long. Consequently, they tend to ruck up during the night. [No comments, please.] We decided to pop into the bed shop to get some euro fitted sheets of the appropriate size for our mattress.

Imagine my surprise when we were told that the fitted sheets all allowed for the euro king-size mattresses, i.e. were 200cms long – just a tad over 6’ 6”. “Can we not get a fitted sheet made with the 190cms length in mind?”, we enquired. No, apparently not.

What on earth is the purpose of a fitted sheet that doesn’t fit, I wonder? On yet another philosophical note, if this can be called philosophical: is a fitted sheet made to different dimensions actually fitted at all? I would suggest that it isn’t; it would more correctly be called an unfitted sheet. Actually, it’s little better than a mattress bag. We’ve already got a couple of mattress bags that we brought out here with us.

There was available a jersey-type material unfitted sheet/mattress bag that was supposedly slightly stretchy and better at taking up the slack, so it should wrinkle less. That was the theory, anyway. In the startling absence of any better solution, we decided to try one. If it doesn’t work, we can always cut it up for rags with which to oil our collection of oak furniture, next time it needs it. 😀

The spending continues. This time we’ve purchased a set of two towel rails and towel ring for our shower room together with a floor-standing cabinet for Francine’s hair potions and the like. This little lot came from Aitana, again. Incredibly, they delivered it this very evening and for free. The cabinet, though, came ready assembled so there was nothing to keep me occupied during the evening’s thrashing downpour. Nothing, that is, except for drilling towel rail holes through bathroom wall tiles that were harder than concrete.

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Posted in Spanish Venture Part 2
2 comments on “Fit for Purpose?
  1. BlasR says:

    In UK, John Lewis, M&S and Ikea bed linen sizes are all slightly different, so the best way around it, is to buy bed linen where you buy your duvet and mattress!

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