Communication Breakdown

[Very Led Zeppelin.]

Last night we’d watched an entertaining electric storm beyond the lake towards the Pyrenees. It seemed to be approaching but it didn’t get to us. This morning life was considerably calmer.

Wednesday is market day in Bram so off we went. There seemed to be a bit more atmosphere these days in Bram, maybe because of a couple of street cafes. We bought a fine magret de canard from a duck producer together with a slab of pate to go with a baguette for lunch. I fancied some olives, too, but the queue was too long.

There’s a grassy meadow dotted with shrubs on a high point overlooking Laurac. In the past this has been a happy hunting ground for all manner of insects. After the market we went to have a peek but this desiccated year we found pas un chat [which is apparently the French equivalent of “not a sausage”]. I’m going to have to turn into a regular tourist at this rate.

Night HarvestWednesday is also the night our photographic club meets. This being the first meeting of the new season, Francine, as one of the programme secretaries, was keen to show a presence so used our campsite’s relatively new wi-fi set up to Zoom in. The meetings start at 19:30 which is 20:30 French time. The technology seemed to be working until an act of sabotage occurred. The neighbouring farmer decided the time was right to begin harvesting his sunflower crop. The field in question abuts Guillaume’s end of the campsite. Zoom communication got drowned out by the noisy clatter of a combine harvester busily munching sunflowers about 30m away. The harvester was considerably louder than Francine’s voice.

Well, it made a change from thunder and lightning. It was worth a try.

Posted in 2022-09 France

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