Bloomin’ Snow

Yes, it’s been snowing this morning in the Jalón valley. You see, Spain DOES have winter.

J18_1791 Snow and Blossom

Nothing has settled on the valley floor but the surrounding mountains have been dusted with icing sugar.

We are booked in for the annual Almond Blossom walk Next Wednesday, 7th February, and the almond trees have begun blooming. You can just see a faint pink blush in some of the valley orchards. Lets hope the blossom survives its wintry experience.

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Posted in 2017-2018 Winter
4 comments on “Bloomin’ Snow
  1. BlasR says:

    Snow!! Wow.

  2. Dyslexic says:

    I believe the Sahara has had it worse, even though you are quite high.

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