At Last!

Lamb shoulder bones were on the menu again for Foxcam last night. We really are addicted to barbecued lamb shoulder.

Kinky againThe bones were gratefully cleaned up by our latest fox with the kink in its brush. It would be intriguing to know what caused the slight misshaping. I perhaps should say “is causing” because I had the feeling it looked a bit more pronounced than it originally did. That may be fanciful, though.

HedgehogMost exciting, though, from our point of view, is that our very first visitor – even before bloody Tampon the cat wandered through – was a Hedgehog. These little darlings have been in drastic decline in recent years. Clearly many of them fall victim to traffic. Last year we watched one snuffling around our front garden so it was great to catch one on camera in our back  garden.

It would be enjoyable to be able to put out some cat food for any passing Hedgehogs but with our neighbourhood wildlife extermination squad, what good would that do other than encourage the unwelcome cats?

Posted in 2019 Sri Lanka

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