Another Alarm

We had another early alarm call this morning. This one was nothing to do with a pleasant recorded ditty on a ferry but was a lightening and thunder show courtesy of mother nature. The distant thunder that had rumbled on yesterday evening seemed to be directly overhead in the early hours and lasted until 07:00. Rain thrashed. Then the fan stopped and the fridge started blinking in panic. ‘T was power cut time. Tea would have to wait ‘cos we don’t have a gas kettle. At least the long life milk that we had bought at a motorway service station wouldn’t go off.

The power came back on a little while later and the fan kicked into life once again. Everybody’s fridges were happy now, too. Tea was back on the menu though not quite as you know it – it’s never the same with UHT milk.

With Guillaume safely pitched on campsite it was time to knuckle down and go in search of real food. We drove about 12kms to Le Blanc where we found a very decent Super U supermarché. We filled our trolley with essentials like alcohol, food and alcohol. Our lady at the checkout was a delight; she was the first checkout person we’d ever come across in France that volunteered English as she began talking to us, not that our accents were giveaways, at all.

HH Moth-220054The afternoon remained a little cloudy but we had no more rain. A circular wander took us back to the campsite through Rosnay where a couple of Humming-bird Hawkmoths were working some flowers in town. They’re a delight and fun, if a little flighty, to play with.

Posted in 2022-09 France

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