Time to Move

We’ve done our usual thing and stayed a little too long at Fanjeaux.

The 2024 late spring/early summer weather continues to be unsettled in France, including southern France, and we have been treated to a series of skies that would best be described as UK-like, namely solid grey overcast. We did have a sunny day three or four days ago and a couple of afternoons that brightened but lasting impression is one of grey.

Today we managed a morning walk into Fanjeaux for the bread run and enjoyed a coffee at the Café des Arts. On our way back, since we had decided it was definitely time to move on, we called in at the farm to pay for our 6-night stay.

PXL_20240620_162448269As we were descending from the farm to the campsite it began spitting. We had timed our return well because, shortly after re-joining Frodo, it began raining properly, at first relatively lightly but quite soon with more intent. It began chucking it down and thrashed for the rest of the afternoon. Our bike cover was transformed into a paddling pool or two. It’s the summer solstice, we’re in the south of France and the weather is crap.

It rained all evening. I can’t wait to move on.

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Posted in 2024 Summer