Sunday in Madrigal

IMG-20240924-WA0000Just outside the entrance to our campsite, Complejo La Mata, is a rocky river, the Garganta de Alardos. There’s not a huge amount of water in it but it is flowing. One of the more appealing aspects for those keen on the activity [not me] are some permanent swimming pools. The water, I must say, is stunningly clear. Beyond the stream in the distance are the Gredos mountains.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe approach road to La Mata continues a short distance beyond the campsite so we thought we’d investigate. We wandered along and found a Spanish couple with a parked motor home enjoying one of the swimming pools. Dragonflies were there none. Since there is absolutely no vegetation in the entirely boulder-strewn river, I can’t say I was particularly surprised. In one bush beside the water course, Francine did spot a new (to me) species of Potter Wasp; I think it’s a Euodynerus species, possibly E. variegatus but don’t quote me.

IMG-20240921-WA0000It was approaching lunchtime so we wondered how manic the restaurants in Madrigal might be. We started sauntering in, which took us past the Roman Bridge, after which our road into town is named.

IMG-20240922-WA0000When I say it was approaching lunchtime, I should qualify that by saying it was approaching our lunchtime. Given the late eating habits of the Spanish, it was not approaching their lunchtime. A handful of folks did begin eating at a restaurant opposite a bar where we sat refreshing our feet with beers but it was all relatively quiet for a Sunday lunchtime.

We wandered into one restaurant in search of a menu, which they did not have posted outside, and were told that on Sunday there was no menu, only casa. In other words, it was a fixed menu of the day and that was all – you had that or nothing. Looking at a few other establishments, the same seemed to true. We saw signs proclaiming “fin de semana” [weekend] and “menú del día” [menu of the day]. The latter is normally available in a Spanish restaurant but today it appeared to be the only choice (if that can be called a choice).

We just wanted a light midday bite to leave room for an evening meal. A menú del día was going to be two courses and way too much food for us, so we sauntered back to the campsite to enjoy our own tapas chez Frodo.

Posted in 2024 Spain