The back wheel of my bike is buckled, probably caused by my falling on it when I used my left knee as a brake, in the absence of any actual brakes, a few days ago. Since none of the plasters…
The back wheel of my bike is buckled, probably caused by my falling on it when I used my left knee as a brake, in the absence of any actual brakes, a few days ago. Since none of the plasters…
The scenery around Millau is quite spectacular with various rivers, most notably the Tarn, having cut precipitous gorges deep into the surrounding Jurassic limestone plateau. The resulting individual plateaux between the series of gorges are at an altitude of about…
We’ve stayed at Millau a couple of times before and always at the same campsite, Camping St. Lambert amongst trees beside a gentle bend in the river Dourbie. The Dourbie’s attraction for us is that it’s a good wildlife river,…
A long time ago, the eminent Chris Rea wrote a song called The Road Hell. Today, we drove along it. I should back up a little. Our favoured route into France is this: down to Dover, ferry to Calais, 2-hour…
Guillaume is at his happiest when he’s in France but he was a bit of a grumpy guts having missed out last year due to yours truly deciding to forego foreign travel in order to get his cataract ripped out.…
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